Name - Shashwat Jaiswal
Class- 8th
Bhartiyam Public school
Deoria, U.P.
Essay - Global Warming
global warming has posed a great threat to mankind in recent times. During the last ten years, it has increased to dangerous levels. Never before the earth became as warm as it has been of late. There is clear indication that our planet earth is getting womer day-by-day. Scientists are afraid that the earth might be destroyed soon.
The North pole and South pole have started melting gradually. As a result destruction & damage to marine life has become critical due to rising temperature of sea water.
The Gangotri Glacier is reported to have been shrieking over the last few years. Rainfall recorded in different parts of the world has been quite irregular.
These symptoms Confirm the incidence of growing temperature on the earth. There are various causes for the earth getting warmer. The major reason for this global warming are large scale deforestation, Consumption of fossil fuels for transport, industrial and cooking purposes.